Project CHEST
Kick-Off meeting
Białystok, 10th – 12th October 2019,
Wednesday, 9th October
Arrival to Białystok.
Thursday, 10th October
The first acquaintance meeting in the cafe of the "Cristal" hotel.
Coming to the Opera for the spectacle of Moniuszko's opera "Halka". This is the little-known first
version of this opera. Moniuszko is a Polish and Lithuanian composer "
Lunch and coffee at the local snack bar.
14.00 – 15.00
Self-presentation of the CHEST project partners.
The main tasks of the project (Danuta).
Details of general partner tasks (Hakki, Joao, Indre).
Ground rules for the project (jointly).
Finding deputies of the national coordinators.
15:00 -15:30
Distribution of tasks, setting up action steps (moderated by Danuta and all).
Presentation of project administration (project documentation, mid-term and final reports, financial
report, meeting minutes, attendance lists, etc.) (Danuta and all).
15:30- 15:45
Coffee break.
Identifying project activities during international educational meetings (Danuta and all):
Dates of meetings.
The structure of meetings.
Participants of meetings.
Accommodation and meals.
Sightseeing of the cultural and nature heritage of the host countries.
Integration meetings.
18.00 Common dinner.
Friday, 11th October
Partnership financing system of the CHEST project (Danuta and all).
• The change by Polish NA in co-financing global and detailed project amounts.
• The system of receiving funds set in the general financial agreement.
• Installments (amounts and dates).
11:00- 11:15
Coffee break.
11:15 -13:00
Partnership financial agreements.
Financial documents for reports and archives
Internal financial documents confirming receipt of cash or money transfer.
Making a refund.
Mobility tool+
Extraordinary costs.
Lunch at the local snack bar.
Methods and forms of the project dissemination (all).
Own scientific work of partners.
Publications of studies and articles.
Copyright issues.
16:00 – 20:00
Artistic meeting with a group of people who will participate in this project and with the CHEST
project management group. Common dances.
Saturday, 12th October
Publishing (Danuta, Hakki, Joao, Indre).
• Discussion about the project book and album.
• Own partners publications.
• Common publishing.
Coffee break,
• UTA - Polish website (detailed information about all project activities)
• DERNEGI - main CHEST project page about the cultural and nuture heritage of the partner
• UTA from Portugal– Facebook
Logo of the project - Yusuf
Setting communication channels; email group, Facebook, Google group, Dropbox.
Summing-up of the kick-off meeting.
Certificates of Attendance.
14:00 -15:00
Lunch break (walking to a local snack bar).
15:00 – 18:00
Sightseeing in B-stok.
Last joint dinner.
Sunday 13th October
Departure from Białystok